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Crusader ring with
the star of the Magi

(France, 12th c.)
Magos Foundation Collection

(10th to 13th c.)

Western monarchs considered themselves to be true Magi who had come to free Jerusalem from the “Herod of the day.” In 1099, Frank Baldwin proclaimed himself King of Jerusalem in Bethlehem in homage to the Three Kings. The Sermon of Julian of Vezelay (XIIth c.) encouraged “setting out on a pilgrimage to the East with a faith equal to that which had brought the pilgrim Magi to the West.” The Crusade of the Three Kings (1189-1192) was led by Frederick Barbarossa, German Emperor, Philip Augustus, king of France, and Richard the Lionhearted, King of England, with the aim of retaking Jerusalem. The expedition turned into a fiasco.