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Reproduction of the "Diplomatic Code of the House of Campotéjar."

Published in 2009 by the Duke of Pastrana. Author José Antonio Garcia Lujan

(Spain, 21st c.)
Magos Foundation Collection


In the 20th century, the title of Marquess of Campotéjar was given in Spain to a lateral line of the Granada Venegas. Casilda de Bustos y Figueroa, Duchess of Pastrana, Marchioness of Corvera, Marchioness of Las Almenas, Marchioness of Salinas del Rio Pisuerga became the 20th Marchioness of Campotéjar. Her husband, José Finat y Escriva de Romani controlled all the security of the Franco regime, and after being appointed Mayor of Madrid, the heiress in title of the "Nazari Sovereign House" became the first lady of the Spanish capital from 1952 to 1965. Her granddaughter, also named Casilda, is today the heiress of the title, 22th Marques of Campotéjar. Her name is reminiscent of Princess Casilda, daughter of the Emir of Toledo (10th century), who converted to Christianity. More than five centuries after the fall of the Nazari dynasty, the blood of the Muslim Kings of Granada flows in the veins of more than 40 Barons, Counts, Marquesses, Dukes! Paradoxical if it is, because the obsession of the "purity of blood" within the Christian Spanish nobility, for whom it was inconceivable to mix it with that of the "infidels" newly converted, entailed, in the 16th and 17th centuries, the prohibition for all those not being able to prevail themselves of a statute of “clean blood” (limpieza de sangre), to reach the principal Spanish civil or ecclesiastical institutions.