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Historical novel "Doña Isabel de Solis, Reyna de Granada,"

by Francisco Martinez de la Rosa, published in Madrid in 1939

(Spain, 20th c.)
Magos Foundation Collection

Isabel de Solís, a Christian, (1454-1510) is the daughter of the Castilian nobleman and commander Sancho Jiménez de Solis. In 1471, the Nasrids took her prisoner during one of their incursions into Castile. She was taken to Granada and sold to the harem of Emir Muley Hacén, who fell in love with her. She converted to Islam and took the name of Zoraya (sometimes Soraya, Turaya, or Soraya). She then married the Emir and became his favorite. The sovereign discarded his first wife, Aixa, who had given him two sons, Boabdil and Yûsuf.